Jumat, 27 Juni 2014

Kolam Renang Air Soda (Soda Water Pool)

Natural soda water pool is the only one in Indonesia, but only found two in the World, another one is in Venezuela. Locals know him as aek Narara North Tapanuli, North Sumatera Indonesia, because according to the prevailing belief, first during the Japanese occupation in this place ever found a snake does not want to go though expelled. Previous Japanese soldiers never advised to not use the water for bathing, but the warning was ignored altogether. Since the appearance of the snake that bothered the Japanese army bombed an up dead snakes and red pool of blood. Aek Narara in Batak language when translated literally means red water
About Fact
Soda water Aek Narara has become one of the destinations worth a visit if you want to travel to North Tapanuli, otherwise it is impossible for those who like historical tours to stop by the Cross of Love Tarutung.

How To Get
Aek Siansimun located in the hamlet, village Parbaba, District Tarutung, North Tapanuli, North Sumatra Province
What To See
Pool containing natural soda water measuring 8 x 9 m which is the area under paddy field with rows of hills distant mountains.
What To Do
Swimming and feel different sensations, soda water is believed to cure many kinds of diseases. Interesting treats visible distant, charming atmosphere and green paddy fields, towering mountain chain, and the Cross of Love North Tapanuli as shade from a distance

3 komentar:

  1. Kolam soda terdapat di Desa Buluhnaman, Kecamatan Munte, Kabupaten Karo, Sumatera Utara. Terletak di kawasan Lau Macem Pestap yang berjarak 94 Km dari Kota Medan dengan waktu tempuh 2,5 jam dari Medan. Keadaan kolam masih sangat alami, belum disentuh dengan atau belum dibangun fasilitas fisik. Pengembangan kawasan ini masih perlu disentuh oleh Pemerintah setempat.
